Bacteria: means that they consist of only one cell. It lives almost any where. All bacteria are prokaryotes, which means that they don't have a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles. They are normally a few micrometers long and they have many shapes which include spheres, rods, and spirals. Eubacteria is in this domain
Eukarya: Organisms such as animals, plants, fungi, and protists all share the same organization cellularly,protista, plantae, fungi, and, animalia are in this domain
Archaea: The organisms of this domain exist in the most uninhabitable places in the world. However they are not confined to these areas they are just capable of surviving. Kingdom Archaebacteria is in this domain.
Archaebacteria- Unicllular microorganisms in the domain Archaea, which is genetically distinct from the bacteria and eukaryotes, and often inhabiting extreme environmental conditions.
Eubacteria- Aslo known as the true bacteria, have a not so good reputation. They are seen as disease causing agents. Every day new products come out advertising their ability to destroy these microscopic but dangerous creatures, but only a small amount of these unicellular organisms cause diseases. Eubacteria can be photoautotrophs, saprophytes, or symboints.
Protista- are eukaryotic creatures, meaning their DNA is enclosed in a nucleus inside the cell. They're not plants, animals or fungi, but they act enought like them that scientist believe protists paved the way for the evolution of early plants, animals, and fungi. Protist fall into four genelar subgroups: unicellular algae, protozoa, slime molds, and water molds
Plantae- Eukaryotic single and multicellular organisms that are autotrophs. The taxonomic kingdom comprising all plants.
Fungi- simple, aerobic organisms (mildews, molds, mushrooms, smuts, toadstools, and yeast) which unlike bacteria can grow in low moisture and low pH environments, and have their genetic material bound in a membrane. They obtain nourishment from dead organic matter. Out of 70,000 species of fungi some are edible but most are poisonous to the human body. Plural of fungus.
Animalia- is the largest of the kingdoms. Consist of animal, can move on their own, heterotrophic, part of the domain eukaryota.
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