Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Comparing and Contrasting Passive & Active Transport

Active TransportPassive Transport


Use of ATP (a form of energy) to pump molecules against the concentration gradient i.e., from low solute to high solute concentration.

Movement of molecules with the concentration gradient i.e., from high to low concentration, in order to maintain equilibrium in the cells.
Requires Energy:
Yes; ATP in primary, electrochemical in secondary.


Types of Transport:

Primary and secondary, some use protein channels to actively move through the cell membrane (low solute to high solute concentration)
Diffusion, facilitated diffusion, filtration, osmosis.

Types of Particle:

proteins, ions, large cells, bacterial cells, complex sugars.

soluble in lipids, small monosaccharides, elements, water

Endocytosis; Exocytosis; membrane pumps;Sodium pump; glucose in intestines; mineral ions in plant roots.
diffusion; osmosis; facilitated diffusion;Alveoli of lungs; kidneys

In eukaryotic cells, amino acids, sugars and lipids need to enter the cell by protein pumps which require active transport.This mantains equilibrium. Paramecium are single celled with contractile vacuoles to pump out excess water.

maintains equilibrium in the cell so cells aren't hypertonic or hypotonic, but equally balanced is an isotonic way,

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