Sunday, August 25, 2013

Describing each of the four Organic Compounds which are the basis for life

Carbohydrates: Made from joining H2O and COby plants during photosynthesis

Monomer: Simple sugars: CH2O (ratio of one carbon and one oxygen to every 2 hydrogens)Bread, cereal, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, and pasta = are made mostly of carbohydrates (sugars and starches).

Functions: energy for cells, structural support, cell-cell communication


Lipids: are different molecules that are insoluble in water, fats, made of alcohol and fatty acids.

Monomer: Glycerol and fatty acids

Functions: used to store energy


Proteins: are the structural components of tissue and cells, made up of amino acids.

Monomer: Amino Acids

Functions: control the rate of reactions and regulate cell processes.


Nucleic Acids: polymers,in DNA and RNA.

Monomer: Nucleotides

Functions: store and transmit hereditary of genetic information

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