Sunday, August 25, 2013

Human Body Systems

Integumentary System

Purpose; To regulate the body's temperature and keep it at equilibrium and to protect the body.
Structure; The epidermis is the outter layer of skin and the dermis in the inner layer. Within these two layers there is the melanin which is the skin pigment, the kertain which is dead waterproofing cells and hair.
Organs needed; Dermis, Melanin, Keratin, Hair


*Smooth muscles allow for contraction of organs and blood vessels. 
*Cardiac muscle pumps the heart.
*Skeletal muscle allows for movement.
*Smooth muscles are found in internal organs and blood vessels.
*Cardiac muscles is found in the heart.
*Skeletal muscles is attached to bones.
Organs needed; Smooth, Cardiac, and Skeletal muscle



Purpose; Frame for the body's tissues protects the organs and produces blood cells.
Structure; Two parts: 
1. Axial Skeleton: is made up of the skull, the vertebral column, the ribs and the sternum.
2. Appendicular Skeleton: is made up of the bones in the arms and legs. 
Joints and ligaments hold bone to bone. Tendons connect muscle to bone
Organs needed; Skull, Bones, Vertebrae column, the Sternum, Joints, Ligaments, and Tendons



Moving gif image of a typical human heart beating

Purpose; Move blood throughout the entire human body.
Structure; The veins carry the blood into the heart. Once to the heart the arteries carry the blood away from the heart and the rest of the body.
Organs needed; Heart, Arteries, Veins, and Cappillaries


Purpose; Digest food and gets the important nutrients out of the food.
Structure; Begins with the mouth then goes through the esophagus and to the stomach, small intestine, lager intestine, and ends in the rectum. The liver produces bile. The gall bladder stores the bile. The pancreas secrets digestive enzymes and hormones.
Organs needed; Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum, Gall Bladder, Liver, and the Pancreas.



Purpose; Controls all function of the body. Breathing, Moving, Thinking etc.
Structure; The nerves carry messages from the brain to and from everywhere on the human body.
Organs needed; Brain, Nerves, and Spinal Cord


Purpose; Regulates digestion, metabolism, and homeostasis.
Structure; These glands all produce hormones that instruct the body to do different thins in different situations.
Organs needed; Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland, Thymus gland, Pancreas, Tests, Ovaries, Adrenal, and Paratyroid gland.



Purpose; To reproduce
Male- the testis produce sperm and the vas deferens as well as the urethra transport sperm.
Females- the ovary produces the egg and the uterus holds a baby.
Organs needed; 
Male- Testes, Vas Deferens, Urethra, and Penis
Female- Ovary, Uterus, Vagina



Purpose; To provide the human body/blood with oxygen.
Structure; Air goes through the trachea and into the bronchi which then lead to the lungs which then branch into bronchioles that then lead to tiny air sacs called aveoli.
Organs needed; Bronchi, Lungs, Bronchioles, and Alveoli.


Excretory (including the urinary)

Purpose; To filter and then remove wastes from the body.
Structure; The Kidney filters the blood then goes through the ureter to get to the urinary bladder wherethe urine is stored and then it makes it's way through the urethra and out the body.
Organs needed; Kidneys, Ureter, Urinary Bladder, and the Urethra


Purpose; To fight infections.
Structure; The lymph nodes and lymph vessels try to fight off anitgenes throughout the body.
Organs needed; Lymph nodes, Lymph vessels, tonsils, Thymus gland, Spleen, and Bone marrow. 

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